
Doug Couch – Specialist Youth Ministries, Georgia Baptist Convention 

"Real Encounter crusades are the best mass evangelism ministry I have seen in over 20 years. The integrity of the ministry is impeccable. The biggest issue our churches are having is training enough counselors to handle the numbers of decisions."


Former Governor Mike Huckabee, Arkansas

“It is without hesitation that I recommend Brad Bennett.  His assemblies will help students in your school understand that one student with a positive attitude can make a huge difference in the social and educational environment on your campus.  The assembly utilizes motorcycles, interactive performing arts, live entertainment and the latest in audio and video technology.  Students are engaged in a total learning experience.”  


Steve Barnes – Principal

“I have been in education some 25 years and witnessed many different types of assemblies. Brad Bennett produces on of the best assemblies I have ever seen.  The message he promotes about good positive decisions in preparation for life is outstanding.  He uses rock music, visual effects, motorcycle tricks and effective speaking – which combined keeps students on the edge of their seats.  I want to recommend this assembly to any school wanting to promote students getting high on life and not drugs, alcohol or destructive decisions.”  


Kent Shingleton – Youth Evangelism Specialist, Tennessee Baptist Convention 

“I will always remember the first RE outreach event I attended.  Never had I seen such a gathering of unchurhed people at an evangelistic event.  Words can not describe it.   I was so moved by the impact of this ministry on the community that I knew we had to partner with Real Encounter and together proclaim the gospel in Tennessee.  It’s been 2 ½ years since I first met Brad Bennett and the team and we have now worked with Real Encounter in 16 citywide outreach events across our state. 

God has truly blessed as we have literally seen thousands of people come to know Christ as Savior thru RE outreach.

When I think about the ministry of Real Encounter, I am reminded of the words of Jesus.  “When

He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”  Matthew 9:36-38

If God gives the leaders of your city a vision for the harvest, I wholeheartedly recommend you call Real Encounter.  It will be a week you and your city will never forget.”